Wednesday, April 9, 2008


One of Eric's former students found this advertisement pop-up on He did a double-take and yes, realized that was indeed Eric Lapointe. One of Eric's current students, Adam Kazmierski took some photos on a whim and posted them on his We had no idea that T-Mobile was using his picture. Eric is getting around. He was in another advertisement for Talbot (Biola's Seminary) a couple years ago that appeared in Christianity Today for about a year (my mom kept every copy if you are interested.) Well, hopefully his ego does not blow up... although I do believe he is a "visionary," "fun," "daring," "confident," "talented," and "genuine" husband!


Rahime said...

Wow, and I'll bet Eric doesn't even know he's so happy about a retail career at T Mobile!

photoqueen said...

That is awesome! You know I have some istock credit that is about to expire, I had no idea I could buy eric! it is a little strange that someone or some company could do that.