Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pregnancy Summary

20 week ultrasound

I'm sure it is not that unique but I found that this pregnancy was so different than with Audrey. I was definitely more uncomfortable. For one thing I was nauseous from week 5 to 20 and I threw up almost every morning throughout the pregnancy. Once the nausea subsided I got bad indigestion that lasted throughout the second and third trimesters. TUMS were my new best friend. At one point I got food poisoning that took me a week to recover. The nausea finally subsided when he turned head down and dropped. That was doubly exciting because that was when I realized that I might be able to deliver naturally. Second, I had sciatica in my left leg and something like sciatica in my right arm. I would wake up and I couldn't do anything with my arm for about two hours.

There were some good things though. I was so blessed and surprised not to have gestational diabetes this time. I think they say I had an 80% chance of getting it again, so I beat the odds. As a result, I was not as motivated to keep the super strict diet as I did when pregnant with Audrey so sweets were also my best friend. I gained about 34 lbs whereas I only gained 27 with Ashley (oops). He was a very active boy, especially from 10:30 pm to midnight. I always said I felt like there was a kung-fu fighter living inside of me. In addition to some pregnancy pictures, I included a short video of him moving inside of me for those that are interested.

17 weeks

20 weeks

23 weeks

34 weeks

36 weeks

38 weeks

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