Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Strawberry Picking

My best friend Lidia is visiting again to hang out and meet Elliott. We went strawberry picking on Memorial Day. It was really fun to have Eric join us and take advantage of his day off. He teamed up with Audrey to pick one row while Lidia and I picked another. Audrey, however, was a better eater than picker. We teased Eric that he wasn't working hard enough because his box was always mostly empty asAudrey ate an impressive amount of strawberries. I'm just glad they didn't charge us by my child's weight gain. We are feeling the summer heat and humidity over here, and Monday was one of the hottest. We all ( well except Elliott) took a run through the sprinklers to cool off. We have 6 pounds of strawberries to transform into all kinds of desserts. Thanks Lidia for loving to bake!

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